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    Davidoff, the Swiss luxury brand, entered the world of perfumery in 1984 with the launch of their first fragrance, Davidoff Classic for Men. Founded by Zino Davidoff, a Swiss entrepreneur and tobacconist, the brand initially gained renown for its premium cigars and accessories before expanding into other luxury goods.
    Davidoff's debut fragrance was created to embody the essence of sophistication and elegance, reflecting the brand's commitment to quality craftsmanship and timeless style. Over the years, Davidoff has continued to release a diverse range of perfumes for both men and women, each designed to evoke a sense of adventure, relaxation, and refinement.
    One of Davidoff's most iconic fragrances is Cool Water, introduced in 1988, which revolutionized the industry with its fresh and aquatic scent profile. Cool Water became a bestseller and a classic in men's fragrances, solidifying Davidoff's reputation as a leader in the perfume industry.
    Davidoff's perfumes are celebrated for their innovative compositions, high-quality ingredients, and sleek bottle designs that reflect the brand's Swiss heritage and commitment to excellence. Today, Davidoff continues to be a prominent name in perfumery, offering a range of fragrances that appeal to individuals seeking distinctive and sophisticated scents that capture the spirit of adventure and luxury.


    (7 Total)
    Run Wild
    Product code: 008100
    20.00 M - 52.00 M
    Cool Water
    Product code: 000172
    14.00 M - 32.00 M
    Cool Water
    Product code: 000366
    14.00 M - 32.00 M
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    Cool Water
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    14.00 M - 32.00 M
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    14.00 M - 32.00 M
    Cool Water
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    14.00 M - 32.00 M
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    Cool Water
    Product code: 000533
    14.00 M - 32.00 M