Our branches
Taking into account the convenience of customers, 8 out of 10 branches of the company operate under the name "Atirshakh" in various parts of Baku. Our stores are built in the latest modern design, with the color harmony of the East and reflect the modern style. Our delivery service serves not only the city center, but also the regions.
Şəhər filiallarımız
By Ətirşah
Zuleykha by Ətirşah Parfum (Lankaran)

- Lankaran district, Koroglu 48.
- 09:00 - 20:00
- (+994) 10 327 97 99
- zuleykhaparfum@gmail.com
Orkide by Ətirşah Parfüm (Zaqatala)
- Zaqatala district, Vidadi street 14.
- 09:00 - 19:00
- (+994) 55 728 44 40
- Orkide_etirshah@mail.ru
Zuleykha by Ətirşah Parfüm
- Baku City, Sabail District, Zargarpalan 3/5.
- 10:00 - 22:00
- (+994) 10 327 97 99
- zuleykhaparfum@gmail.com
Adeline by Ətirşah parfüm

- Baku city, Azure Business Center.
- 10:00 - 20:00
- (+994) 51 668 24 47
- info.adeline.azerbaijan@gmail.com
Beyza by Ətirşah Parfüm (Шамахи)

- Shamakhi city, Nariman Narimanov
- 09:00 - 21:00
- (+994) 10 505 34 35
- beyzabyetirshah@gmail.com